National Level Webinar Series – 2021

A National Level Webinar Series

 ILC-I has continued with the webinar series which was only possible with the CSR support of Gharda Chemicals Ltd.

In December 2020, ILC-I started a national level webinar series and it received a huge response. Since then, with few gaps in between, ILC-I has continued with the webinar series which was only possible with the CSR support of Gharda Chemicals Ltd.

We have been fortunate to host the guest speakers from different parts of India and those who are experts in their respective fields. Initially the focus was only on Covid-19 related topics, but later on the scope was broader and it included topics like “Health of senior women”, “mental health of the elderly”, “dental health of the seniors”, “Promoting active ageing”, “Prevention of falls among the older adults”, “Palliative care”, “Living will” and so on.

All the sessions were live streamed and hence, all these sessions are available on ILC-I’s YouTube channel.

Till date, ILC-I has conducted twenty-two national level webinars and six state level webinars online through Cisco-webex application. All the webinars were supported by Gharda Chemicals Ltd. under CSR

The details of webinar series are given below, kindly click on the speaker name or image to view the webinar on Youtube –>

“Promoting Active Ageing”

10th July 2021
“Working in the rural parts of Maharashtra amidst Covid-19 pandemic-Lessons learnt!”

24th August 2021
“Prevention of falls in the older adults”

31st July 2021
“Ageing in the new normal-Post Covid-19 era”

7th August 2021
“Mental wellness of senior citizens-How to relax and manage stress”

14th August 2021
“Dental care of the older adults”

21st August 2021
“Some specific health concerns of seniors with a focus of women”

28th August 2021
“Palliative care of the older adults-How to go about it?”

4th September 2021
“PRISM of Gerontological Care in India-Reflections”

18th September 2021
“Living will-How and Why to make it?”

2nd October 2021
“Healthy nutrition of the older adults”

9th October 2021

