About International Longevity Centre-India

The International Longevity Centre-India is registered as a not-for-profit company under Section 25 of the Indian Companies Act, 1956; since 2008 and currently applicable is Section 8 of the Company Act, 2013.

International Longevity Centre-India as a member of the Global Alliance of the International Longevity Centres and as an NGO enjoys Special Consultative Status with United Nations’ Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC).

Ilc-I is also the “Satellite Centre for the SAARC Region” of the United Nations’ International Institute on Ageing, Malta (UN INIA).

Vision & Mission of International Longevity Centre-India


The Vision of ILC-I is “Celebrating Age and Creating a Society for all Ages.”


The Mission of ILC-India is to function as a not-for-profit organization in the areas of Policy, Training, Research, Documentation and Advocacy and also to undertake Pilot Projects for the benefit of population ageing.

Objectives of International Longevity Centre-India

  • To work towards healthy, productive and participatory aging, to promote and support all activities which would upgrade the quality of life of the aging population.
  • To work towards promoting a better understanding of the issues and concerns of population aging at all levels, including those identified by the UN in the Madrid and Shanghai Plans of Action, in collaboration with the government, corporate sector, NGOs and civil societies.
  • To seek an adequate reflection of this understanding in all development plans and programs of the government and in non-governmental interventions and community actions.
  • To promote and support all activities to upgrade the quality of life of population aging and ensure fulfillment of their human rights
  • To work towards Healthy, Productive, Participatory and Qualitative Ageing.

International Longevity Centre-India is one of the sixteen members of the Global Alliance of International Longevity Centres.